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Grußwort und Informationen

Ehrengast Michael Verhoeven

Special Guest Karl Markovics

Prominente Gäste auf dem Fünf Seen Filmfestival

Internationale Filmemacher auf dem Fünf Seen Filmfestival

Uraufführungen, internationale Premieren, Deutschlandpremieren, Bayernpremieren

Fokus Drehbuch - einzigartig in Deutschland

7 Räume 7 Künste

Gastländer Québec & Taiwan, Partnerland Indien

Filmgespräch am See: Realität und Fiktion – Verfilmte Zeitgeschichte(n)


Moderne Zeiten

Modern Times OmU

Land: USA
Jahr: 1936
Länge: 88 Min.
Regie: Charles Cahplin
Produktion: Charles Cahplin
Kamera: Roland Totheroh, Ira Morgan
Drehbuch: Charles Cahplin
Darsteller: Charles Chaplin, Paulette Goddard, Chester Conklin

Sektion: 100 Jahre The Tramp

The tramp between the cogwheels, the tramp as a test person on a food processor, the tramp blindly roller-skating in a department store floor without railing, the tramp in a dream sequence in which the cow gives milk on its own? These are only a few scenes from this film that still provides material for advertisements and newspapers until now.
Charlie's the Tramp in a factory. Here absurd machines are to be operated and when he is also still to serve as a test person for a new eating machine, he goes completely mad after a short time and is arrested. In prison he can prevent an outbreak of drug addiction and is released again. A letter of recommendation from the warden helps him to get a job in a shipyard in which he does everything wrong. Shortly afterwards he meets a young girl, falls in love with her, spends a night with her in a department store and is arrested again the next morning. Meanwhile, his girlfriend has found her her own place to live, a hovel in which they both undauntedly celebrate a detailed caricature of petty-bourgeois life. The girl finally finds a job as a dancer in a dance club, where Charlie is also hired to serve and sing. After a series of mistakes the two are to be arrested again. Once again they manage to escape. Ahead of them lies the wide road and the sunrise.

10:30 in Breitwand Starnberg